Where is my head?
It seems to be right here on my shoulders
Yet this I could argue with great gusto
for though my head is physicaly there
it lacks the confidence to believe in itself
I carry it atop of me daily
Yet it's tossed around like a leaf in the wind
I've decided to forget about my head for a bit
I move instead to my heart
Where is my heart?
Safe within my ribcage
This I know for I can feel it near me
It is pressing up against the nearest parts
I fear it wants to break through
This pressure is new to me
It's stretching me from the inside out
It seems to be growing beyond my control
it is escaping the saftey net I've created
(Net? more like a brick wall)
It is soon to burst through
I fear the pain it could cause
Where will my head go from here?
I am unsure
completly unsure
frankly I don't care
follow the way of my heart
I hope
Where is my heart going?
Deeper and further
Larger and fuller
The more love it contains
The more it seems to hurt
It juices my eyes
it springs forth unexpectedly
Displaid for all to see
It contains a depth beyond me
Containing love I don't understand
Love for those I have not met
For those I have not seen
Expantion, a dangerous risk I'm willing to take