Sunday, May 28, 2006

The never ending rat stories

I should start to count the stories the rats have brought into my life. My first month here I never saw one rat (not even the pieces of them on the roads). But since then I have had enough to bother any person who can't stand to name such a creature.

The latest in the rat stories has been the most lively episode as of yet. I was spending the night at Jim and Taras place last week and I had decided that I wanted to make them a meal. It worked out nicely to make them a Mexican dish. Easy to put the meat together and I had learnt the week before how to make tortillas (Bekah and I had cooked Mexican for the single staff earlier that week) (might I add here that I had never made tortillas before in my life and I had never expected to make them in India of all places but that is another story all together). So in the end for this particular meal I had made a beef mix that was to go on the tortillas along with graded cheese, tomatoes and other such ingredients. I had put two small blocks of cheese into the cheese grater, placed it on a plate on the counter and then left the kitchen to let Jim and Tara know the meal was ready. Of course it took a few minutes to come in and actually start the meal.

As I looked at the cheese grater something seemed wrong. I saw that there was only one piece of cheese when I was sure I had put in two. It was found and there it was between the wall and the counter top oven. Not totally far from it's original placement but much to far, in my opinion, for Taras thought of it bouncing out and landing where it now lay. I looked it over and thought I saw a few bites taken from the corners but I kept it to myself for I know Her feelings towards rats.
Well she decided to look under this counter top oven and there was our most friendly little dinner guest. From there it was a panic of "how do we get it out of the house?". With all the doors closed to all possible rooms of the house and the one door to the outside open. All curtains pulled up from the floor and all chairs moved aside. With both Tara and myself standing up on the couch and chair the rat whas shaken from it's happy little home and sent scurrying across the floor. Its first attempt for a room promptly failed and it headed for the magazine rack. There it found a lovely place to hide with all of Hollywoods great and famous as well as some of Bollywoods equal counterparts. In a place where it could have learnt to keep a better home it was safe for a short time. It was a blessing in disguise, for the rack was easily moved to the outside of the entrance door along with its new occupant. With a bit of tapping from the handle of a broom it was sent on the run one last time before it disappeared into the darkness of the night. Off to find another home with cheese sitting out on the counter to be taken with glee.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Now it's chicken heads

No it was not on my front step as the rat head but instead in my lunch dish.

Okay I guess I should explain myself and the situation both. One day here the girls had been talking on their favorite parts of the chicken to eat. When one girl was asked, her very clam responce was the head. At this I looked at her in a slight surprise. I have learnt to no longer show flat out shock for the things the northern Indian eat are much different then most. So of the head what she likes the most is the brain and the eyes. The other girl in charge of the food said the next time she got chicken she would be sure to keep the head. I then mentioned that I would be intrested in trying. You see, mainly anything that is concidered edable and enjoyable at that I am most curious to give a try.

I must admit seeing the head and recognising it for what it was made it a little hard at first to dig in. But needless to say with a little coaching from the head lover herself I cracked open the skull of this unluky chicken to find that it's brains were smaller then it's eyes. I decided then and there this must be the reason for the chickens fairly commen stupidity. I then proceded to dig the brains out and the two eyes. It was harder for me to eat the eyes for the eye lids were still on and squinting shut at me. kind of disgusting really. The brain on the other hand. Quit good. I've decided the best would be chicken brain on Ritz crackers.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Now where was I?

Oh yeah, "It's been awhile". Well technically speaking I have written a few blogs as of late and it hasn't really been that long, but they have all been on my other web page thingy and that page seems to contain a different part of who I am. It carries the everyday me. The me that sees the silly side of life. This Blog always seemed to have the more serious side of me, or at least the side of me that thinks it can think deep thoughts.
That said lets see what I can muster up after such a long silence. All I really have is this poem I wrote awhile back. There is a lot going on in me these days but I am still in the stages of processing them. This poem is a question I asked myself.

When will truth pierce through?
Is it not sharp enough to separate
the bone from the marrow?
Where is it in my life?
Destroy me already
I am yet to be consumed,
Truth consume me
Cut deep to the throat
Extract the lies that it speaks
Before they are even known.

I wonder if I will ever know the truth. And when I ask this I don't even know what I want the truth of, but maybe this life. The things that we are doing and going through. What is it all for? I don't really know and that is okay. It is known by my God and I say if I can be even a little pleasing to Him then I am happy. Maybe that is all there really is to this life. Living it. Who or what we live it for is what makes it what it is.