Sunday, November 06, 2005


Last night I asked my boyfriend if he would go for a walk with me. He declined for a few reasons. 1: He is in Manitoba and 2: it was about 23:00. He was also talking about how going for walks is not as much of an enjoyable thing for him as it seems to be for me. We discussed this for a bit with me trying to explain what it is about going for walks that I find so great. I don't think I ever came to the full understanding of it in words or even on my own till this morning.

It was snowing this morning so I again invited him to go with me but with the distance between us it was understandably impossible. He would have if it had been do'able. I got off the phone with him and decided I must go anyhow, even if there was no way to share it with him. As I walked I came to a realisation. A walk is one of the places I feel most alive. That somehow I am truelly existing to my fullest potential. It is the time when I best commun with my God. There are those who can sit and read the Bible and they feel closest to God. I feel I am closer to God when in the presence of the outside world. Even as I sit here writting and re-reading this I know that it is not comeing across the same way as it makes me feel. There is an experience in these walks alone and with others that I cannot discribe. So I will leave it at that and hope that the photos of this walk might portray just abit of a clearer view of what comes from a walk.


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