Sunday, November 20, 2005

Going to India

Well I'm sure I have mentioned that before. I am sure you remember that I am leaving and going to the other side of the world for six months but someday I don't. This weekend I spoke in my church both Friday and this morning letting all the people in my congregation know this as well. Most of them knew but some didn't even know that I was back in town so there you go.
These past few weeks have been major change filled. So much hard stuff has come down but in the end it was all for the better. Most of you who read this already know that I have broken things off with my boyfriend. I know it was good for me cause I have come to a place of such peace. I just feel bad sometimes that I couldn't seem to come to that place of peace earlier. I guess it just goes to show that sometimes we should not hold on to things for fear of what may happen. I admit I was afraid I would be a wreck if this were to happen and I was unsure what to think might happen to him. Of what I have heard though he is seemingly more relaxed and for this I am very happy. I guess I should have handed my fear over to God along time ago, for it seems more certain every day that He takes care of all things.
After I spoke in church I went for lunch with the head of the churches missions team. She was telling me of how she had called up four different places to cater this India dinner that we are putting on to help raise some funds for my trip. A place called the Taj Mahal wanted to give a discount when they found it was for charity. Later in the conversation on the phone with them they found out that it was to raise money to send me over on missions work, they asked if it was a christian thing. She told them that yes it was and their responce was "oh we get behind that we can for sure work something out." It just goes to show taht God most deffinatly does things His way and that it can go far beyond our way.
So here I am most deffinatly not in my way and the happier for it. It seems that I have had this plan in my mind for far to long and I have finaly come to the place where it makes so much more sense to go through life enjoying the here and now instead of looking forward to what I "want". I am so happy at this time it seems bizzare. I almost wonder if I even desserve it. Well if I don't than I am thankfull for it and if I do I am thankfull for it. In all ways it makes me happier that I am happy. God is so good.


At 8:06 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You sound great babe!


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