Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Forever it would seem

What things to say, what ways to go with thoughts of the days past. When last I wrote I was unsure as to what kind of work I would be employing. That has been resolved and I am now working for my cousin. It is not hairdressing and for now this is okay. With this I realize that I truly did love my job and hope to go back to it one day but for now I am happy with a less draining job.

I am surprised at how the lack of doing art can cause me to feel less artistic. As of late I feel a loss of inspiration. I fear I have not searched for it and by this I have not found it. Some of you have never seen my art or so you would think but I would like to think that this very blog is a form of my art. It is a glimpse into how I might think and see the world.

I have just come back from a Family reunion of my boyfriends fathers side. Yes, I went for a whole weekend of fun in the sun with the Froese family. In the middle there was a chance for Nate and I both to spend a couple of hours with a large portion of my dads family. To see the extreme of family dynamics was an experience in itself. I was pleased to watch how his family will show love one to another. It is very different than mine. To see this was to learn more about him. I have a new and fuller understanding of what he means. The words he uses somehow surprise me less. I could not draw for you a diagram of the differences but I know they are there.

I am so thankful for the love in his family. He has grown up seeing love and being loved. This means two things. One: he has learnt what love is. Two: he has learnt to give and receive such a gift.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Here is where I am right now

I am now at my final destination. The place in which I shall live for at least 3/4 of a year. I am again in the place of job searching. This is something I do not love, it is a thing that I wish were done and over with before I have even started. It seems every time I look for a job a nasty dilemma comes over me. Each time is different than the last but always difficult.

I last went on the job hunt in Calgary. There my struggle was "What kind of a salon do I wish to work in, to get my apprenticeship completed". While there I was hired in four different locations, I did three modle cuts, and was given the run down of two of the salons. This was all before I finaly took the job at Essentials. My job was great and in the end it was worth all that pain and questioning. It was hard to keep saying no to what seemed like great job opportunities. And each time, I would say no to one before I knew there was another one to go to.

Now my problem is new and again unexpected. How it goes is this, I am unsure as to how long I will actually be in this city. Fine, I don't mind being unsure about lengths of stay in one place to the next. What I do mind is the thought of working at a salon and having them unsure as to the length of time I will be there. It is one thing to leave a job and the boss in the end, they get over it. Yet the thought of them investing so much time and energy into me and then I just walk out in a year and a bit. Gross! Not only that, I would build up a clientelle or at least start to. Then wham I spend two months out of a year telling them I am leaving.

As much as I may like doing hair I do not like just starting it and then taking off from my work place. I am a bit frustrated at times for I had thought how great hair would be for travel. Easy to get a job cause everyone likes to get their hair cut. It's something needed around the world. And at the time I had thought it would be easy to start and stop at any given time. NOPE, I was wrong.