Monday, February 28, 2005

The gift

I have just returned from a walk out in the beautiful evening air and there is one thing about it that I loved that I wanted to bring forward. I love to walk on the grass that has been wet from the melting of the day and then frozen in the cool night air. I love the half crisp yet still soft feel it is found to be under my feet. You can get the same feel in your hair if it also is wet and then freezes but it is not often you get to walk on ones hair when in such a state. Not only that but it is not recomended for your hairs health to allow it to freeze.

I also arrived at the same destination my boyfriend and I had arrived at a few times while he was out here on his christmas break. I was reminded of how we had walked there in the minus weather. How when we had arrived on the top of the valley holdding hands and he suddenly turned and hugged me. How wonderfull it is to be in the arms of my man.

A friend of mine here had once made a comment on how nice it is to have a boyfriend because then you can hug for so long and not let go. She had told me this when I was still single. I did not believe this was at all possible, that a man would actually want to hug me for minutes let alone hours on end. But now I see I was wrong. To be held with such love was beyond my dreams.

It is hard to be so far from that love in distance. To be seperated by 1200 km of land mass but I find it causes a growth in me. April will find me in a very happy place but even now I can be seen to glow from head to toe. I am loved and love in return. I thank God for the gift of Nathaniel in my life.

Friday, February 25, 2005


The down was blessed last week with a visitor. From Manitoba came my boyfriend. He arrived on the 12th at about 12:30 But I was unable to pick him up till about 13:45 for I had a friends wedding to go to. Sadly as I sat in the congragation I could think only on the fact the my Love was sitting alone in the airport awaiting my arrival. Over the years as I have spent my time in the airports of my travels I have seen many a loved one return. The hugs and kisses that go on have always been a thing seen from afar. The thought of picking up a boyfriend from the airport has always been something I wanted to do, now was my chance and it was being delayed. Well he was there and I ran into his arms from across the room to be held once again by my man was so sweet, I could still cry at the thought.

We spent our nigths at my folks house down in the south of the city, but we did spend some time in the Down. It was wonderful to have this place filled with the presence of him and his love. Monday night we made pizza together here and I took him for a walk on my regular route to the prairy hill. Tuesday and Thursady we went snowboarding in Lake Louise. What fun to be on the mountain speeding through trees and over hills and slowly making your way over the flat spots. Thursday we had packed a supper of left over ribs and stayed in the ski lodge till they had to kick us out. It was timed perfectly for we had just planned on leaving.

So many juicey details, all of which you shall not read of. What I can let you in on is the fact that I love him ever so much and he also loves me the same. The day he left, well, lets just say he left. That should be clue enough as to the feelings of the time. Now I am to put in the time at work, at home, and in this city. Calgary has been good for me, it has grown me and shaped me more than I would have first thought, but now I am ready to leave this city to contiue on in its' work without me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

My lifes' goings' ons'

Yeah, Okey that was bad grammer and I even know it and will not fix it for I feel it says what I really want said.

You must all be wondering what great adventures have been happening in the life of the down. Well I will answer that question with a bit of news.

The down will soon loose its' name, for in April it will no longer be inhabited by this rabbit. I am soon to migrate to the flat lands of Manitoba (though I disagree entirely with the misconception that all of Manitoba is flat, for it is mostly around the number one highway that you will see treeless flat feilds.) Where I am to live once there I have yet to anounce. I will be settling in the Peg of Winni, that is for sure, NO warren has yet been chosen. I only hope that whom ever shall fill the Watership Down with their lives will find it to be the safe haven I have known it to be.

The date has been set as to when I shall start my drive out to MB and once there I shall spend up to two weeks on the farm of my childhood. To this I look forward, for I miss very much the forests and the lanes that I inhabited all through my growing years. April 15th, my last day at work. I hope to be packed and ready to go at the end of that day so to drive out from work.

more to come.........

Thursday, February 03, 2005

I would agree My brother posted this on his blog and his only comment was "Too cool" I would agree with hime 100%.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Well here I am again. It has been awhile and somewhere in that while I had even written you all a very good entry and somehow as I was checking the spelling I lost the whole of it. so this time around I will post a rough draft without attempting to spell properly. Now enough with the excuses and on with the show.

The last post I had written (the one you will never see) was one that I had commented in about my poetry. I have spent alot of my free hours at home these days reading stuff I have written over the years. I was shocked at alot of it. I remember haveing been angry at times, frustrated, and even bitter, But I had forgotten the writtings I had spewed forth at those times. I look back and wonder if I was truelly as embitterd as they would read out. Have I forgotten the sting of the days alone so easily, the days of hurting. They have been lost in a place of the past that I may never enter again. for even if I were to get as frustrated as then it would be for different reasons. It would be new and therefore not the same. I also wonder if I have grown out of such actions, past on over to a more tranquil state, never to allow such feelings to take over again.

I pray that this is so. I know that life will continue to throw it's curve balls but I pray I am more practiced at seeing them as they come. At being able to catch them softly in my glove to deal with as need be. Instead of just putting up my hands in terror allowing them to whack me square in the jaw.

I also re-read some poems I had written when first I met my boyfriend. YOu see I met him years ago at the end of his first year in university. My brother brought him around a bit and For me, well, I must say there was a love that grew even then. I did not fully understand nor did I think it at all possible for anything to come of it (not only do I remember these feelings but I wrote them down and can still read of them). It is fun for me to be reminded of the questions I had at that time. I can't remember if I've ever told him this but I thought there would be no way he would ever go for me. That was the thing that conviced me not to act on my feelings for him at that time. I would just enjoy him being around and hope that he was happy. That was all I wanted and still all I really want.