Tuesday, February 22, 2005

My lifes' goings' ons'

Yeah, Okey that was bad grammer and I even know it and will not fix it for I feel it says what I really want said.

You must all be wondering what great adventures have been happening in the life of the down. Well I will answer that question with a bit of news.

The down will soon loose its' name, for in April it will no longer be inhabited by this rabbit. I am soon to migrate to the flat lands of Manitoba (though I disagree entirely with the misconception that all of Manitoba is flat, for it is mostly around the number one highway that you will see treeless flat feilds.) Where I am to live once there I have yet to anounce. I will be settling in the Peg of Winni, that is for sure, NO warren has yet been chosen. I only hope that whom ever shall fill the Watership Down with their lives will find it to be the safe haven I have known it to be.

The date has been set as to when I shall start my drive out to MB and once there I shall spend up to two weeks on the farm of my childhood. To this I look forward, for I miss very much the forests and the lanes that I inhabited all through my growing years. April 15th, my last day at work. I hope to be packed and ready to go at the end of that day so to drive out from work.

more to come.........


At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yippee! We'll love to have you there for Gregg's Grad!
Where's the info. on your visitor to the Down? you were busy, and we know nothing...hummmmm


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