Found again
Just things that come to mind, random as they may be.
Some major changes have happend in the past while for me and I am now about to divulge. This will deffinetly be some of the biggest news I put on this blog.
Beauty is always said to be in the eye of the beholder. I really believe this to be true. You see when I stepped out my front door to find even as little as two centimeters of snow on the ground my heart swelled with joy. I have reason to believe that as my boss set foot out her front door her thoughts were no where near mine. She, along with many others, do not love the snow as I do. She would rather there be green grass and warm sunshine always. I agree these things are beautifull but I find they are more wonderfull when they come after a long time of white. I also find the white so much more wonderful than all the brown that is this town. Winter with no snow is like summer with no sun. Sad and depressing.
I am reading a book right now by George MacDonald. I have read this book before but was in need of reading it again. You know how you read a book once and realise even as you are reading it for the first time that you will read it many times again. You know that you will never fully grasp the conscept and yet this very fact about the book makes you love it even more. It is called "Phantastes", a fantasy in fairy land. A tale of a man who falls many times but keeps on going.
It has bee sometime since I have said hello to all my faithfull readers. If you are loosing faith I understand, there is not a whole lot to hang onto anymore when it comes to this page.
I would just like to recomend to those of you who have not yet bought me a birthday gift that you can continue to look back at my list, for it is ever growing. My birthday has since passed and I am now 25 but I am leaving my birthday season open all year this year. For those of you who don't do well with dead lines you now have 365 days to catch up. Of course the birthday list can be transferable to christmas, easter, and any other holiday one wishes to celebrate with gift giving.