Thursday, December 23, 2004

News in my life

Some major changes have happend in the past while for me and I am now about to divulge. This will deffinetly be some of the biggest news I put on this blog.

I have a boyfriend! I Have A Boyfriend!

Why is this big news? I know some of you out there are asking yourselves "what could possibly be so great about that, she's 25, of course she has a boyfriend, she's probably had many a boyfriend" Well folks your wrong, this is the first boyfriend I have ever had. Oh, I've had crushes but never have I had a guy who has said "Yes, I am your boyfriend". I am amazed at how well this makes a girl feel. I am also amazed at how it has not fully sunk in nor will it for awhile.

Haveing been single my whole life I have never experienced what it is like to have someone out side of my family, someone who is closer than anyone else has ever been, proud of me, or think I am great. And not because he has to or feels obligated but just because he does. I have to admit it is at times beyond my comprehension. Nor have I been so proud of showing someone off to all my friends. I can't wait to have them all meet him. He is coming out here late on the 26th and will be spending a large portion of his Christmas holidays with me, Yay.

I had waited till now to let this news fly across the world into all countries and into many a home for I wanted to be sure that he was okey with it. So as you can see he is. His Name you ask? Nathaniel. Where does he live? In Manitoba (the worst part of it all). What does he do? He is a cellist in university. How did we meet? That one is far too long for this blog. So for now I will leave you with the joy of this new found information.


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