Yesterday as I was pouring water into the coffee maker when I had this sudden urge to be home. Not only home but in Oak Lake, working in the ice cream shop? What it was is I got this flash back, not to how much I liked working in that shop, No instead to this feeling of how I was getting to know what each regular customer liked when it came to their coffee. You see there was something to that. To being in a small enough community that it feels like nothing is going anywhere and everyone knows everyone else. I wanted that to be the case.
As I thought on this it occurred to me. I am in a situation now that is the same but I have gotten to know the people in my "small town" here much better than the ones back home.
You see here there is a circle of people that I know very well already. There is Inge: An older (78? Or even in her 80s?) German woman. I know that she absolutely loves the Calgary flames. She goes to games with another fellow 20 to 30 years her junior. She has a lot to say on politics. Particularly anything that may have to do with ones right to free speech. She has been under communism twice and feels she is strangely headed towards her third time if things don't stop going in the directions they are headed. Lastly I know that Inge has her Coffee with the smallest amount of cream. In her words (Please do not be offended, remember she has been through many years and is not always politically correct) "like a Negro"
Next we have Mrs. Paul: This is one I have mentioned in the past but will now go into further detail. She is the one who gave me the record player. I know that Mrs. Paul has two cats and a granddaughter that is living with her till their house is built out of town. The GD also has a cat as well. The things these cats do I also know about. I know that Mrs. Paul has a lot of nothing to say and will say it endlessly. This has gotten on my nerves in the past but I am trying to see it now in a new light. The one of absolute silliness. I know that she will ask me how the record player is working and that when I say fine she will say "Good I just wanted to make sure I didn't give you a bum deal. Now I was told that if there is a crackling in the speakers it is just dust, just let it run for a bit and it will go. Now have you tried the tape player?" NO Mrs. Paul I have not "OH cause my mom had a few tapes but she mostly played records. Now does the stereo work alright? I know the stereo works fine and the record player is all right?" node "good if there's any crackling in the speakers its just the............." I also know that Mrs. Paul will take her coffee while she is under the dryer with a bit of cream and sugar and no, she will not have water today "though I know I should drink more water, I really should have more water.............................."
We also have the towns grouch, Edna: I know that Edna will not be impressed with the weather and that she will use the Lords name in vain to let us know how much she does not approve. The wind will be to strong, the sun to bright, and the clouds to thick, it will be cold and miserable and the day will have not been so good even yet. I know that she will have nothing much to say but words of sickness, discomfort and most likely smuged glasses to boot. I also know that at one time she was not such a grouch for she was the baby sitter of one of the salon woman's sons. Yes at one time life was good. Then something happened. I know that Edna will take her coffee black and HOT. Even if it is fresh from the pot it will need to be mic'ed for twenty minutes. Don't' even ask just do it. Or she will swear under her breath.
These are but three of the regulars. There are more and then there are the people I work with. If I know small community feel I know it is my salon, Essentials.