Monday, November 24, 2003


I had this question and I thought I would send it out so as to not have to bare this alone.
It goes something like this. If you or I are in a situation that makes us uncomfertable, A place where we see and hear things that we do not like. Places that make us feel like crawling out of our skin just to escape. Now this place is not unsafe. It is not putting ourselves in danger, and even if it is it is not life threataning. Should we avoid these places, these people? Should we avert our eyes? So we walk down the street and some bumb (bumb is used for lack of a batter word) starts asking us for cash. just a penny, anything. Should we say buzz off, should we pretned we do not hear? In a place full of people drinking, getting drunk, wasting thier lives and money, It kills me to see, it makes me feel weak at heart, I wish there be something I could do to stop them. Should I avoid these places. Out of sight out of mind. Or is there a way that one can start slowly to change the lives around them. Is there a way that you can prove to these people there is alot of fun to be had with out the effects of one substance or another?

I post this for I questiotn in myself alot of things these days. NO I do not think that to be with these people and wittness that I should start to live like them. I should not and will not join in cunsumpsion.

I don't know

Monday, November 17, 2003

Well I have now been in my place for a week and boy do I love it. I still have no supplys for my kitchen and still ened to enlarge my food supply. Problem, Still no bank acount here in town adn two pay checks waiting to be put somewhere. I believe there is a third one on the way. AUGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! It will all happen evetually. I am trying to meet new people but i am so slow at it and happy being on my own. I like not haveing to make others happy. Yes this is selfish. but it is the truth too.

man there are some good looking guys in this place, dang! sorry just enjoying the senery around me.

I am now in walking distance from so many things like this library. Still lovin my job and all those fun things.

Hitchcock: a film director, made melodramartic films, some better then others. did his better known films in the states. though he was born in britain. Was influanced by German silent films. They (the germans) liked to tell their storys by lighting and camera angles instead of the title cards that the americans liked to use. Hitch liked this and worked with this style.

Thursday, November 13, 2003


Yes folks, that is right, I angie Thiessen now have photos of some of my life. The "art" section is just some of the messing around I do with my free time. Poems I write and other such odditys.
I can not write myuch at this time but I will put a link. To get in you must "sign in" as me. This would go something like this. Sign In:, Password: snowboard and from there you shouled be good. Yes it is at yahoo. This is my alternite e-mail so I won't get junck on my regular e-mail address. Enjoy

Monday, November 10, 2003

Moving in

-To move in, to take over, to fill with ones own stuff, to clean roof to floor and still not be totally pleased. Oh I think it will be all right though I fear some of the mold will get to me. If the place doesn't work out I only have it for six months, And the way my life has gone as of late that will feel like tomorrow. I don't plan on letting this time go by slowly. I plan to busy myself with friends and work. Or I will go through the same as last time. I don't want that so I will not have it. The woman living upstairs has two? boys and this, oddly enough, is to me a good thing. I believe with these young ones up there I will need not worry about punk band practice at three in the morning. I am in a house so if there are noises and there not mine then they belong to the folks upstairs, no more wondering if it is a above below to the right or the left. Just me or them.

Tomorrow evening I will be going with a group from church to see the Matrix Revolution. I have heard it is not so hot but I still want to find out for myself. Also I will be starting on the road to non loneliness, which if you know me is a problem that I must fight. It is my war and I will fight with all my might. I feel I will fight this one for the rest of my life but I now have a better idea how to do so.

Now a whole new topic. Thought is one I think of often. Now if any of you do not like to hear a woman complain about single life STOP reading now.

I am single and want a man. Now here are the places women can look for men.

1: your local or nonlocal bar
2: your nearby church
3: The community grocery store
4: or really anywhere

If these are the truth, what is it that I am doing wrong. No I have not gone to the bar to look for a male. I have been once or twice and frankly any of those pigs I can pass on. Yes If you are a male and go to the bars and ogle the women then I call you that. I am sorry if you are not but most are. Men don't ogle me and that is all right. Truth is it is good. Oh, at times I wonder if I am attractive but if that is all one gets for being attractive then I don't want it anyhow. (The girl next to me is wearing slip on nike shoes, open toed, bare foot. Yes there is a Chinook today but there is still a lot of snow.)(I dislike the Chinook, yes it is warm but the problem lies in the fact that the body never gets used to the temperature.) Back to my crys of who knows what. I am turning twenty four this year, which suprisingly enough I do not mind. Most often I hate my b-day. Not this year. I will have fun I will be older and more mature. This is all good. The only thing is I am still single and always have been. Will this end for me? I do not know. Now I enjoy it for it's grossness. So many girls, now married, have told me how when they quit looking for it, it came, marriage. I have tried this. Sometimes in hopes that it would bring something about other times just cause I quit. Thing is I go back to wanting it. So, I have decided to give up the giving up. I will keep hoping for it, I will wait for it. But the thing that will be new about me is I will do it with a smile.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

No I don't speak french

-well here I am, finally with some time to give you more of the low down on the digs.

-I will be moving in on this next Monday and am very nerves and excited at the same time. It is a small bach. Suite in the basement of a house. Located very near to my work, chances are I will walk most often. The bathroom is small and that is without my stuff in it but no fear. I have wanted to live on less for the romance side of it. I have no furniture at this time, not even a bed. I believe I will be able to borrow from around. I also will be looking to the bargain finder and to the freebees there in. It contains only a shower (no bath, which to me is of no worries. I never did like the use of a bath to clean ones self. The thought of sitting in my own dirt just does not seem to be a clean way to go.)(nothing against those who do). The fridge is brand new and very nice at that. The stove is a gas one and smaller. But again no worries for I am but one. The living space is rectangular in shape which I liked for there is more chance of separating the two kinds of living, The lying down and the sitting. No television shall grace my presence, and that is one thing I wish to keep that way. The only thing I would have one for is if I also had video machines.

-With the signing of the lease (for it is a six month lease) I will then be in the position to get a bank account. Yes that is correct, At this time I have two pay checks just waiting for the bank to let me in. I have no paper work that says I am of residence and there for the bank of my choice will not allow entrance. Oh, the legalities of this world.

-I hate to say that I have lost track of some of my earlier ambitions and have not followed through with some of my said plans. The one of cutting hair for the homeless has slipped through my day and been left in the past. Though it has for now breathed its last I do hope to revive it in the not to distant futture. Do I live selfishly when I say that I need to settle down first? What makes me think I must be comfortably in a routen before I can go and mess with it? Just the thought of this is now upsetting me. I am so full of lies.

'de nier ce qui est, et d'expliquer ce qui n'est pas'
"To deny what exists, and to explain what doesn't"

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Do I gain?

-Yes, that is truelly the question I now ask you.

A place to lay my pretty head

Thats right folks I've done it, I've gone out and gotten an appartment. Close to work and alot more centreal. I will write more on this and others later on.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Halloween and the thoughts from there

Halloween night
Setting: Donny Darko sound track in a darkened living room while watching children of the underworld converse with your regular butterflies and mermaids. The goblins and the witches waltz down the street with the Mickey mouses and raggedy Annes. What can we learn from these little devils?
-How 'bout, just cause we are working through different parts of our lives and do not see eye to eye all the time does not mean we must shun one another.
-How 'bout, "trick or treat" with a please and a thank you. Unlike the regular "Please and thank you"with an underlying trick or treat.
-How 'bout, those who "look" fearfull are nothing but children underneath.