Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Indian rock concert

I could sum it up in two words "Head Banging" . These guys will stand with one foot on the stage and they will throw their heads around till it looks that their necks should snap.

Last night the 1628 team put on a Valentines rock concert. Well there were actually more gentle groups first and some love songs all finished off with a heavy rock group scream their lungs out. It was very fun to watch as the crowd each enjoyed their personal style all in one location. One of the kids there was a Sikh and so his hair had never been cut. His hair was long enough that there was concern of it end up in the ceiling fans. very fun to watch. I did a little head banging of my own and now my neck is a little stiff. I can sure feel that I am older then I used to be. Strange how that can happen even to someone as young as myself.

Well my Valentines was spent at a rock concert that was dedicated to Jesus. Can't get much better then that. How bout the rest of you? What did the day of love look like for you?

oh yeah, I read in the paper a few days before the 14th that some extremest groups wanted to have the police take any couples they found in public places and force them to marry that very night if they were not yet married. So I wonder how many unwanted marriages were performed yesterday. This is a crazy world.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Questions on marriage

This may seem to be far from the missions trip I am on. BUT because it it I on the trip it is normal to bring this in to the picture. You see marriage has been a life long dream for me so it is something that is on my mind often (though less now then ever). It seems now it is on other peoples minds more then mine. People bring it up even before I am thinking about it.
I have been asked many times here on whether I want it and if so then do I have a boyfriend. When guys ask me this I'm half afraid they are asking for their own sake. When I answer that No I do not have a boyfriend they all ask why not. How could that be? Easy, I'm single and don't have a boyfriend. Everyone seems much more concerned then I about my present state. It is strange for me, for in the past it was I who was always asking this same question of God. Now that I don't ask, everyone is doing it for me. Strange it would seem.
Now this desire within me for marriage has not gone away. NO it is still as strong as ever. But there is this wonderful new sense of calm about it. As though I have searched in vain for it, finely to realize that I must wait for it to come to me. Like when two people are separated in a vast city. If they both run around looking for each other the chances of meeting are slimmer then if one just stays right where they are then the other can finely cross paths with them. Sometimes the person staying in one place feels like maybe the other one is doing the same. But I have found that if ones patients is held for long enough the other will finally stand up and do something about it. So here I will sit on my park bench (figuratively speaking) under the trees and wait. Reading and enjoying life. Seeing the world that God has made. Doing what is mine to do at this time. I love it.
I am happier then ever. And I must say this is one amazing place to enjoy these things, here in India. I couldn't have asked for a better park bench.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Something to write about

It is driving me crazy cause I have something in my mental library that I want to write on but I cannot seem to find it in all the shelves. It is something I keep thinking about when I am out and then when I sit here I cannot remember. Sooooo I guess I will have to make a note of it on paper the next time it comes to mind.

I will still make an update here even if I feel it is not the thing on which I really wish to speak.
Today I have been here for two weeks exactly. I cannot believe how the time goes by. Especially when your having fun. I am in awe each morning I wake up and I am in India. I have fallen in love with this country. I mean seriously. There is something about this place that is so amazing. I know people talk about all the bad things the things they have heard and seen in photos and those things really do exist but somehow they help make this country even more beautiful.

To ride around the city in a rickshaw or on the back of a bike (which I have to say is the most fun experience I have had in a long time). I love it. I could never fully explain what it is about this place that is a must see. I have traveled to other countries. I have been to south Africa but it never grabbed hold of me like this place has. It was beautiful and fun but there is a, well I guess the word that may best describe it is there is a charisma about it. I know that word is used for describing a person but I really feel it can describe this place as well. There is something about this country that makes you want to take part in it. It makes me smile just thinking about walking down the street and seeing all the people. I really think you should come and see for yourselves.