doilies and such
There is something I am about to state and I am sure I am one of very few who might feel as I do. There are things that my generation seem to be losing and I am saddend by this. There are things that my grandparents generation would do that are being forgotten by technoledgy. I fear the lose of the old fashioned homemakers, though at the same time do not want to be thought of as a woman who wishes to spend the whole of my day making house and home. I fear the lose of the woman (or man?) who will cook at home and not eat prepared foods all the time. See, now I know you all read that last sentence and exlaimed to yourselves, "Ange! do not think that the men of your grandparents day helped around the house with such things as cooking." You are right (or most likely so) but that is where I now contradict myself. Yes I am saddened by the lose of the old but would be even more so by the lose of the new. I personaly am happy with the thought of a couple who will work together to create a home environment. No the old that I wish (in my not so well done way) to keep in tact is that of the home done projects. Sewing, cooking, (and the main reason I write this now) crochetting doilies.
Okey fine, If you thought that this was just some great attempt to make my doilie makeing some great and noble thing, then you were right. That's right, I crochetted a doilie. It sits even now on my toilet tank soon to gather dust. I am proud of my work, first to learn how to crochette and second on how to read those instructions. Oh my word, there is a whole new language. I always wanted to be bilingual. I hope this counts.
(doilie pictured below)