Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Birthday list

I bet you are all wondering terribly what it is I would like for my birthday. Well whether this is the case or not I will now tell you. I have learnt never to assume that others will know what it is I could need or would like to have. I have also learnt that if I do not ask for something I should not be surrpised when I don't get it. That it never hurts to ask.

1: Kitchen gadgets, anywhere from a good blender (good being the operative word) (not a smoker like mine has become, nasty smells can come out of a smoking machine) to a "kitchen aid" mixmaster, I guess cookie sheets would do as well, and I could always use grocerys (a gift certificate can be usefull). "Pamperd chef" stoneware cookie sheet or cassoral dishes sold by my sister-in-law Gab.

1 1/2: Tools, socket set, the whole thing. Wrenchs, all sorts. Soldering gun and solder. Teach me to weld.

2: Crochet suplies, Yarn to make a sweater, or knitting needles cause I want to learn how to knitt, Also there is a "knitting" glove that is good for ones hands while doing such things (I am a size small, only need one).

3: sound world: Stereo Oh yes I need a new one of those too. I would say my CD player is about 12 years old, one speaker is gone never to be restored (I think anyhow). This would be at the top of my list but I feel it is the most unlikely gift I shall get. I would sure love to hear my cds again in full sound and not just one sided. I wouldn't even need any cds for my birthday cause all my old ones would seem new again. An I-pod, with music already on it to start me off.

3 1/2: money to by a stud for my treagus (the perscing in the little flap in the front of ear). Any bright, sparckly, a little over the top, cosutme style jewlery (necklaces, rings, bracelets, brotches).

4: Finaly, last but not least I would like peace on earth and good will towards man.

Yes, by that last statement I am showing that this is just a joke (kind of). I really could care less about what I get for my birthday, for I know now that this will be truelly the best birthday ever and this is not even because I have decided to have a good additude. It is good because of what is occuring around my birthday. It is all so good and I thank God for this profussly. I Thank God for all He is and does, was, and will be.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Hazel and Fiver Posted by Hello

The "Down"

I find it strangely ironic that when I first moved into the Watership Down I named it such only later to find that Bridgland, the community, is known for it's rabbit infestation. A portion of city where rabbits live in ill found peace and definite harm. I called it such for it was to become my haven away from the stress of the world, my place of regrouping, getting myself back together. It has now been my one year anniversery in the Down. I look back on my year here and see few pains spent in this home. Yes I have cried while alone here but never in such despare. My tears no longer hold the fear they used to. Somehow as they have been shed it was almost more in hope than lack of. Truelly I find I cannot really remember the times of saddnes but instead the peace that this home has had in it. I am thankfull to God for this. It is He who has made this home what it is. Without Him It would not have been the place it has been and continues to be.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Another terminal meal

Remind me never to eat airport food again.

I arrived home on monday from a trip back home. What a time that was. If I ever recover from it I will let you know. We (two of my brothers, a friend, and I) all drove from MB down to Milwaukee for a concert. The trip included no sleep, a cop stopping me, two intresting border crossings, time spent in close quarters, and of course the concert. The recovery I need of course is a fill up on my sleep tank. Seems I can't sleep past 7:30 on the days off so I am unsure how I will be completly slept.

While I was home on the farm I played a few games of road hokey with the boys. I forget how much I miss the farm and the life there in. It is a strange thing for me to back and stay for a few days. I arrive to my old room with my bags, I do not unload them I just open them and live out of them for a while. I look through some of my old stuff and realise I really have made a life for myself away from there. I don't know if I like this or not. I guess I really don't let myself really ask that question cause I really don't have much of a choice at this time.

I left some people back there that I wish with all my heart I could take with me. That somehow I could uproot them all plant them here and there would be no effects of a transplant, but some flowers are best left where they are. I look forward to some coming out here for christmas. Can't believe it is 43 days from now. Seems my birthday is only 16 days. I only know these facts cause my boss counts down to christmas and a younger friend counted to my birthday.

Speaking of my birthday, this year is a big one (at least in my mind anyhow) I turn the long ago dreaded 25. Yup, I used to dread it cause it ment I was only five years from 30 and I had also thought I would start haveing kids by now. Thankfully niether of these things upsets me now. Thirty can't be all bad and kids, well let me just say if I had kids right now I would be a fully different person and I am not upset with the person I have become. If my life had gone as I had planned then I would not be here and I like it here ( place being the whole situation of my life).
I would not be a hairdresser (fully liscensed by the way, my red seal arrived in the mail and was waiting in my door when I got home from MB) (this means I can now work anywhere across the country). living in Calgary.