Ice cream
I have decided to see less movies and have more ice cream. If I start to look as though this is what I am doing then I shall quit but for now this is much fun. You see the movies I go to are at the cheap theater and cost me about four dollars. The ice cream (which there is a photo of on my foto page) is about 3.25. Not only that but I walk to the ice cream parlor and I drive to the theater (I just assume this is better). I will at least enjoy this for the summer. There is something nostelgic about walking to the ice cream parlor, not from my childhood so much just a feeling that this is something worth doing. It also brings back the walks we would have around Waterton in the mountains. The weather here in the summer after it has rained is absolutly wonderful. Total mountain smells.
I have been going through an intense amount of life changeing that seems to be affecting my every thought. It is hard to explain and I am still at a point where I feel this is not important. I feel no need to try and tell you nor even myself what it is I am going through. All I know is that as I walked home today from work my heart was so glad, joy like I've never known before. The one thing I will say is that my God is awesome and beyond my explainations. He is, of all wonders, the greatest.