Friday, June 18, 2004

I am home

I have arrived back in the land of the calgary flames. Yes I found out to day that people lost their jobs due to the nasty Flame flu that went around like a wild fire. Luckely I was out of town at the time and not prone to such firery ways. In the end it was all for not. NO matter how much a team is supported there is nothing that can be done when the ref makes a bad call or a team member stays up to late the night before. All the flags flying high only made for a sorry sight and now there is but one or two loyal fans that still fly theirs. Probably more out of nostalgia than true support. Like a child will play dress up when their heart is no longer in it because they remember that they liked it so much at one time. With a sad look in their eye they put on the outfit of Robin Hood hopeing the clothes will make them feel the adventure they felt as a child. It is lost, all the remains is the heart ache of adulthood chasing them down the road of teenage fears.

I have been going through some things (details shall be kept fully to myself) things I never knew I would have to go through. It is amazing what all can happen in ones life. I feel for the first time that my eyes are opened. One thing I have seen in all this is that once ones eyes are open to a small portion of the puzzle suddenly the whole thing becomes clear. YOu can step back and say I know what this is and where all the peices are and putting them in will be no problem at all. In the box it seems far beyond even a picture let alone one that you could recognise. But I do. My puzzle is comeing so clear and so fast it is beyond me. I can barely keep up. The other thing about all this is that I know it is not because I started laying out the peices, God did that. He layed them out in an order that I could finaly work with. For now I will leave it at this. There is so much in my heart that I must ponder it and sit at His feet. I can do nothing else.

I mainly came to post this post for the sack of mentioning a very fun ?Blog? I do not know what else to call it. All I can say is I enjoyed it much And highly recomend it to all.


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