Monday, March 20, 2006

A RATs head

Yes that is the title of this blog for it was the title of this day. I awoke early for my morning walk (about 6 am). I like these walks cause it is the coolest time of day and it is a time when I can just be with God in peace. Well as I exited the house to remove my indoor sandals for my out door ones. I came across a rat head on the front mat. Yes that's right, its head. I decided that I had either the choice of removing it or allowing it more time to rest. More time for it to rest would have caused possible heart attack to one of the girls who next would exit the door. So my choice seemed clear to me. Removal was the only option. I then picked up the mat with its friendly little rat head and found that there also resided a wonderful little rat tail. It seems the gift was head to tail without the body. Lovely indeed. It seems we have these gifts frequently for not even a week ago there had been a gutsy appearance of a rat on the back porch as well. This one consisted of the entire rat though spilling its guts all over the place. This one was found by a not so happy Korean girl whom I am afraid felt the effects for the rest of the day.
I am sad to say I do not appreciate these gifts whom ever they may be from but what can you say. When the giver is unknown you must receive in peace and quiet or dye of the shock. So thank you to whom ever you may be for the test placed before me, I will try to learn even from this.

Friday, March 10, 2006

new blog

All right everyone. I have started a new bloging system. I hope to update both though I find the other a little easier to use or maybe it is new and so I like it. I like new things. Anyhow there is a link to the right that actually works now so take a look.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Promises, promises, only a word

Why must God promise things to His children and then wait before He fullfils them. Abraham for instance was promised to be the father of many nations and yet God waited till he was far beyond the years of having children and His was was no longer able to bare children. I know God wants to show His great and awesome glory and He has the way that is best but still it feels so unfare to be on the reciving end of such things.
When I am here I do not feel loveingly towards the situation. I do not wish to embrace it and hold on to it. For the Hope that is cast aside so many times becomes painfully dear to my heart. The longing that must be pushed aside seems stronger each day. God is molding and shaping me and it hurts. I have asked that my life be a wittness to His greatness yet still it hurts. It's as though I have willingly said Lord Bend me and break me (well at times I have). But doesn't He know that I don't like it. I want to be great in His eyes but I don't want to work for it. I don't like having to wait for the things He has said He would give. But as a child who waits on his parents for the gift that is to come there is more joy in the recieveing so to speak. So here I will wait with patients from God. He will fill my heart with more of Him and His desires. And each time I lay my dreams before Him, He is seeing them and knowing them and I am coming closer to Him.
Again I lay down my dreams before God and I ask that He be the Lord of my life. He has given me His all what else can I give but mine in return.

a new blog

Hey all. I have started a new blog. I will continue on with this one but the other has a bit of a different atmosphere to it. I can't explain right now what that difference will be but so it will be. So go to To read more of the every day life things while I am here.