Well here I am in the public library of Calgary. I have not made my blog public yet but I think I will today if I can get this computer to do so. it's all so slow today. The reason I have not made it public is cause i am nervous to let my self be exposed but really what harm can be done.
I went for another job interview today and hope to get this one though I never can tell. I need now to go and find a model to give a haircut to, sort of a technical interview. this can be slightly difficulte when one does not know the people in her city, yet not to hard cause anyone is willing to get a free haircut. Actually anyone is happy to recieve anything free these days.
The lights in my car do not work at this time so I must only drive in the day. This I will complain is kind of anoying seeing as most people hang out during the evenings. The one thing that is not a problem is that I don't know that many people anyhow so no biggy.
I am going to go now and figure out how to make this something you all can read. and the computers being so slow here I might not have much time. so till later all be well.