Saturday, October 08, 2005

A time I will never forget

I have come across the first peice of art that has ever brought tears to my eyes. It hangs even now in the Triangle Gallery downtown Calgary. There it will hang for a time I am unsure how long. It is simple, sweet and means more to me than I can even attempted to describe. It has now become a part of my life. I have been influanced and in a moment I was changed forever. If you ask that a heart could be changed so suddenly by one simple experience then let me ask in return.

Can anything be experienced and not change you in some way or another? If is something that confirms who you are it has changed you, for it has strengthend and deepend that part of you. If it shacks your belief, the change is the shifting in belief. If it seems to do nothing then it may have changed a part of you that you do not yet know. It may effect you when you conect it to a much later experience. We are not only effected by the experience but by our reaction to it. How we are impacted by this very time, space, moment, is how we react to it. I want the changes, Good and Bad, to all be turned into something my Creator can use. For He can change the very thing that has been hard to something that will grow a deeper part of me. My love for HIm can be cultivated in these very times, I can grow deeper roots in HIm and reach Higher into the heavens for His truth.


At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have a picture or description of the art?


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