Friday, September 09, 2005

What right do I have?

I am curious today about a matter of prayer. A question that comes to me while I am reading the book "Reaching for the Invisible God" by Phillip Yancey.

Chapter 10 pg.130 par. 2

He is talking of a friend of his in Japan and what his friend says he has learnt of prayer from the people there.

"' We know how to come to God as humble servants with boldness. You don't have to tell Japanese people about hierarchy, When they learn that God is the Lord they immediately know all the implications of that. They know who's boss and that is never questioned. When they pray they use language that combines the highest forms of speech and the most intimate phrases of love and devotion. When they ask for something they ask with true humility, knowing they have no right to what they're asking except that God gives them the very right to ask and promises to answer."

I have not done this. I would love to say that I always come to God as a friend but even that I often neglect to do. I have come more often to Gods throne as one would come to a genie in a bottle. "Lord give me the desires of my heart, make me happy with all the things I think I want". If I am true to my friends I would not even go to them for such things let alone a God who is greater than all that can be seen or known, greater than life itself.


At 2:26 PM, Blogger Mike T. said...

Wow Angie! Very true. I know that I often forget to come to his throne with reverence. I have a similar pattern as you with the approach of informal conversation. I think that we as a society have lost the reverence that was once used when praying to the Almighty. These habits of society have become unpleasant traits in my own prayer life.


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