Friday, April 08, 2005

Adventures as promised

As I promised you awhile back I would keep you with me while I traveled. I awoke the other morning in a strange bed here in Williams Lake. My Uncle and Aunt being good enough to put me up for these three days. At nine that first morning I was to head off to my other unlces office of torture. As he looked down on me he decided it would be necisary and a joy to remove my wisest parts. Two hours later, four pieces of wisdom, two fillings, and a bunch of clean teeth later I was sent home in numb feelings. My uncle the dentist, how wonderfull he is. Well actually I quit enjoyed myself while there in his chair. I had decided that there were two choices. 1: absolutly detest what was going on or 2: find the humor in what was being done. I chose the later. I found the humor in how the lack of feeling to ones jaw can cause it to feel like a masive block of wood under your nose, how a hunck of meat you chew on is actually your own tongue. And to watch a grown man wrench with all his might as he stands over me to break into peices the teeth in my jaw bone. I felt not to badly till the freezing let loose. After? you ask, well let us not even go there. If you must know just ask my poor boyfriend. Trauma, a head cold and tylenol 3, put me a little out of sorts. Why is it when I will over react to something it is with the one I love the most?

Today is now my last day here, I leave early tomorrow morning for Abbotsford to see my Grandfather. It is here that I have been visitin my Grandma. (My dads mom and my moms dad).
For now I will say so long. I will be back with you soon to travel you down to the lower part of BC. Then off to MB, where my love awaits.


At 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you've surrived and lived to laugh about your wisest teeth adventure.
Hey, it's so good to hear you are that excited about seeing all of us "loves" out in MB.
hee hee.
How many more sleeps?


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