Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Fake nail/s

Okey so the big rage for the girls these days are these fake nails. Not just the kind you glue on and expect to have fall off in a few short days. No, these are either gel or acrylic. Now here is what all they entail. You get the first set of nails created on your own nail and within two weeks you are back to get them filled. You see it is something like getting your hair coloured, there are roots cause the natural does not stop growing. These nails are much stronger than your own origanal nail and also keep the polish on till it grows off. There are bonuses to these things like the fact that you could open a seeled canning jar with them. I wanted to see if I could create these things cause they are much harder to do than it looks. I did one on my left hand pinky finger and wow is it strange. your nail is ten times thicker than normal and it feels as though it's clashing with everything. now my nails do not grow well so the length I have right now feels sooooooooo long. I do not believe I will be doing any more and once this one grows off I'll leave it. Theywould not do well for playing the violin and I even notice it now as I type this out. not for me in the end.


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