Thursday, May 06, 2004


Well today I went out to Lake Louise on my own. I tried to get some people to come with me but all were busy working or other wise occupied. In the end it was a good thing for me to be alone. Though I spend every evening alone here in the "down" I get distracted with things and do not actually look at my life. I saw alot that needed to change. It was also very nice and, I see now, improtant for me to get out of this city. Somedays I feel as though I am being swallowed alive by some crazy busy monster. So as my foto page would show I took some time to relax and enjoy that which was all around me.
Some thoughts have been brewing in the past weeks and are now soon to burst. I hope the explosion comes out something like a poem and more art. I would rather that than an explsion of self pitty which is what my days seemed to be filled with. You know it makes me sick how much I can feel sorry for myself when there are others going through things much worse. Even if they weren't what would be the point in my crying over spilt milk?
I have a friend here who has got this very intresting medical condition that causes her to faint. Now it is not just if she stands to fast or any thing that simple. No, she will faint at any unknown time. Sitting, standing, laughing, crying. Anywhere any time. The thing is she is an amazing sport about the whole deal. She has been on meds to keep her as stable as possible (this brings her down to about 5 faints a day always depending on her day). This past week she has been going off them slowly for she is on her way to montreal to have another doctor look at her. You see the condition she has has never been seen before. She is a new case. They figure there is a miscomunication somewhere between her brain and her heart. This can cause her heart rate to fluctuat in extrem manners, from the lowest possible beats per second to the highest in a manner of seconds. She tells this all with a smile on her face and some sort of laugh in her voice. She can do nothing that would caue her danger. She cannot handle knives, nor can she go to work, she is never left on her own, she can't even drink out of glass. Just think anything that would not be good to run with or fall with she cannot touch.
So why do I complain that I have to go to work tomorrow? I have no good reason what-so-ever.


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