Monday, December 15, 2003

Finding Christmas was all around me I looked up for the peace I hoped was still to be had. I knew it was there somewhere for the woman next to me had it shining on her face. I looked up cause I noticed her head coming down from that same destination. I reached for the peace with my eyes. I streached further and further but to no avail. It wasn't there. I turned to ask the woman where she had seen it, where I could find it but she had left blissfully into the cloud of people all around. All that was left was a trail of kindness. I turned to some of the others near me in hopes that they had seen or asked of this same destiny. I could see in their eyes they had not. They did not even know that this woman had stood next to them, Christmas had totally consumed them.

If we bare in our hearts a truth, one that all should know but do not, how are we to share it? How is it given to those around us? I do not know. Some want to jump on the people they see that do not have this truth, they want to shove it down their throats. Others say if you just live the truth the others will see it and want a part of it. Am I living the truth? Is it evident in me? Do you want what I have because I seem happy? Cause I'm not. Don't get me wrong things are good life isn't bad, but I find things hard. Being alone for example. I used to hate being alone and wanted to get married so desperately, to spend all my time with someone who loved me and who I loved in return. Now I fear aloneness for a very different reason. I am afraid I will get to used to it, I will enjoy it to much and never want to be with someone. That selfishness will set in and take over. I know not if there is an answer to this problem or whether it is a problem at all.


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