Monday, December 01, 2003

Days filled with snot

Yes those are mine. Words that fill my mind for the days flow with the goo. One whole day stuck in some rabbit hole of an apartment and one will find themselves frustrated and lonely. Don't get me wrong I love my place but a whole 36 hours seclusion with one nasty song playing around in my head like a scratched record. Oh some would say "why not just put on a CD and get rid of this song" Yes this is smart but for one who feels her ears will bleed at the slightest encumbrance of sound this is not an option. Not only was it some nasty song from the radio but it was only the one line from the song that I could remember. "the first cut is the deepest" Well the line itself does not seem so bad till you get the gist of the song running long side of it. I don't even want to got there.

Well the snot does still flow today but I am now free enough from the head throb to run loose and let it flow in public places. Yesterday I wanted to see humans so bad but was not about to call someone up and ask them to come over and be near the sick disease that I was. I'm sitting on my couch in pain from head to toe. Now this is fine cause I need not do anything but get better.Then unexpectedly a shadow and then another darken one of the only two windows into my rabbit hole. I go to my door and there stand to males of the African American kind (very good looking might I add)(yes while I am sick I can still figure this out) And there I stand in my entrance looking like something the cat drug home or worse yet like some druggy who was still drowning in some nasty hang over. Well I got my visit for the day. Not the way I would plan it but, saylavie.

Hey I have just decided to name my place and I know exactly what to call it. I now christen you 'Watership Down' from now on this will be the name of my places. I hope one day you can all come and visit Watership Down. It is beautiful.


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