Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Foto work making me cry

Last night I was working on a presintation I will be showing at my church and it was taking me right back to India. While I was there I Would take recordings from the radio on my MP3 player so I am using them as the music behind the slid show, even now I am listening to a recording I took of a few of my friends on the platform in India. There were young boys there that we were visting with. I call them the Train boys as they live in the station and on the trains. Traveling from station to station making money begging.
Though we spent less then two hours with them I fell in love with them. I wanted to take them home and adopt them. I wanted them to know love. They are from very broken homes where love for them is rare.
I fell in love with India. I fell in love with it all. Seeing those fotos again reminded me of how much I love that country, of how I want to take part in touching the lives of the people.


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