Saturday, August 12, 2006

Claustrophobic skin

Do you ever feel like your skin is too tight? Either that or it is just too close to you. I think my sister-in-law would know what I mean. Hers would be different then mine but still same complaint. You see she is pregnant with her first so the skin is just learning how to stretch.
I, on the other hand am most definitely not pregnant, For me it is a feeling of wanting to run from my skin cause at this time it incases a cold that is just taking too long to run it's course.
I have been sick less then a week and already I am so bored of the state in which my body is in I would be more than happy to escape.
The coughing will not leave me alone. When I wake at night with this stupid dry cough I am ready to scream. This would only cause more problems in the end so therefore I stick to only whining silently to myself. Really, if anyone had to spend the night with me they would go insane, I sure do.
Well I just needed to vent that. Now if you are reading this when I am in bed you can know that I am struggling to keep my sanity. If you read it during the day then you can know that I am most likely napping to help replace the sleep I missed.


At 1:29 AM, Blogger Mike T. said...

Poison Ivy. That's why I was wanting to leave my skin few weeks ago. I used some cream and it helped. I totally understand what you mean though. Man this skin sucks sometimes!


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