Thursday, July 21, 2005


Oh, hello there my readers. It has been awhile since last I wrote you from this place. Awhile? You ask. Well read carefully and the answer will come in "this place". You must understand I have written you lately and I might add farely often (in compared with alot of others I know in this internet world) but it has not been from this place, this state of mind, this land of......

Lets just say I have allowed the burdens of this world, no, lets say the burdens of my life (which I must add really are not burdensome, I have just made them that way) to weigh heavely on my shoulders. I was surprised today to find myself standing straighter and feeling much lighter of heart. I know how this has happend, both parts of it. I now know the weight I had created into a monster when it was only a pet, and how I have finaly released it to run free in the woods of my life.

The stress of this life I have laid at my Saviours feet, there I will lay them daily. If you do not yet know my Saviour He is the Lord Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for all my burdens, even the ones that are not as big as I make them out to be.

Now do not think that I make light of the serious things of this life. That I walk without caution through the days of my living. Instead realise that I have taken these things onto myself when all along they should have been where they now lie. I smiled today, Yes I smile most every day but this was new. I smiled because of nothing, because nothing in particular made me do so. Even now I smile for that very reason, I am finding joy where it should be found. In the depths of Gods heart. Oh how much I do love it there, in His peace, His comfort. The one prayer I offer now to my Lord is that here I will stay, when times want to cause me to worry, that I will learn to stay here instead of running into the arms of fear.


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