Tuesday, March 02, 2004


So this morning I awoke in the morning and was shocked to here foot steps up stairs. Now why I would be shocked to hear such noises when I live in a basement suite will be told shortly. It all started in November of last year with the moving in of myself into this small rabbit hole. The woman who lived up stairs was nice enough but it took no less than two or so odd weeks for the presence of her to be missed. Not, maybe, so missed as in sad just as in absent. I have since then been given the opportunity to live life in this house being the soul resident. I did not utilize the upper space but enjoyed instead the silence of solitude. Well last night as I was on the phone with my brother back home he will remember my commenting on the noise going on up there. I mentioned how it sounded as if someone had moved in up stairs and how that was seemingly impossible for the fact that it was at about 9:00 pm that I first started to hear the movement. I asked my brother how this could be possible for who moves into a new place at 9 at night? Well Ben does, Yes, Ben. After this mornings wanderings above my head and then again when I got home I was beside myself with curiosity so I marched myself right up those stairs and knock promptly at the door. There he was in an empty apartment just him, his two cats, and a tool box. I introduced myself and he did the same. He then went on to say that he had next to no stuff at the time and was waiting to meet the new landlords, as am I. As to what happened there my/our past landlady had sold the house but a day after she had rented it out to Ben and he now wanted to see if the new land owners would allow for painting and such. We are both a bit on the nervous/apprehensive side for we have not met them and do hope they will let us live as we, well as I, have lived in the past. In peace and with no intrusions. I do believe, of what I can tell from my first meeting, Ben is very nice and seems to be a responsible person. This I hope is true for he lives above me and if he is at all obnoxious it be very annoying.


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