Tuesday, October 14, 2003

This is not about my first day at work

-NO, this is about something more important but more confusing for me? As of late I have not even really wanted a job. I want to be paid to think. But not on one specific thing but on many things. I want to spend my days reading walking and thinking, listening to music and enjoy what God has put around me.
-I look for something bizarre and new. I look for a love that no one can undo. But where is this love to be found? Can I find it in the nature around me? In man who is fallible? Or in the stars bright center of despair? I think not, Not in the moons desperation to shine light on us. In all her glory she still is lacking the significance of the sun. We all look for this I do believe. Some of us do not know this is what or where we look. Some search the inner sanctions of our own being. Searching deep within we wonder why we are still not fully satisfied, if even less. Why, if I know myself the best, can I not fulfill my dreams? Cause we are also the fallible man, the same as the neighbors we can not lean on. The stars hold nothing but a dying energy that we cannot grasp. The moon is just a reflection of what the day holds. And nature, itself must go though seasons of change, and though we think they effect us it is insignificant. No I fear what the world holds will not be the thing we desire. We,I am afraid, will find no such love in these things. Yes they will give us a hint at it. But that is it, that is all they will give us, a small hint. A chance of a glimmer of what could be. Love everlasting, Love full of grace and truth. It can only be found in one place. In the hand of the maker. The One who made all these said beings. The creator of all things that hold love. For He is love, He is our maker. The one and only who made us to love us. He loves me and that is where I gain my strength to do as I have, and to grow as I hope to continue on. The Lord my God. My savior. Oh how I love Him. For he has done for me what no other has done. He has sent His one and only son to die a death I was destined to die. One that there should have been no escape from. But He took it upon Himself to help me from a mess I made for myself.
-That is all I care about today and any day.


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