Sunday, October 12, 2003

Thanks to be given

-Well as you all may know today is Thanks giving day. If you do not know then you are not in this country or yours does not celebrate thanks giving. Yesterday I went to my new job to meet some of the lady's I will be working with. Very nice people. I am a bit afraid of a little shallowness though we all have the some where and you can't really know for sure in the first hour of meeting some one. I do like them a lot and think it will be a fun place to work. I am nerves to see how it goes. I always feel after a long time of being away from work. "I have sold myself as a hard worker now can I prove it to be true?"
-now the food that goes around at this time of year is intense. It flows like milk and honey in the promised land. I found today I managed to not go over bored which at times like this can be hard. Oh how I hate the feeling of the over full stomach. The pain of the bloatedness of it all. I wish to never go that way again.
-My mom asked what I would do with my day tomorrow. I thought maybe I would spend the day being nerves about my new job. But since then I have changed my mind. Maybe instead I will write or read, go for walks and relax for one last day of freedom.
-I sit here with a pain in my heart and it is not from over eating, though I heard that the emergency rooms this time of year are full from people over eating and then thinking they are having heart attaches. No, today the pain is from the happiness that I have mingled deep inside with so many other feelings. I wonder how it is possible to be so over joyed and so low all in one moment of time. Yet I would have it no other way, for I believe that it is the very pain of sorrow that makes the joy so much more wonderful.

I thank thee for the pain inside
It makes my heart sing out
I thank thee for the love you hide
In the smallest things about

Thanks be unto you alone
For all the things you've done
Thanks for all the things unknown
The things still yet unsung

For there are things I've asked you for
That you have kept from me
To open yet another door
One I did not see


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